It helps to improve the flow of blood in the penis. Proper blood flow is important for a good erection and can be the key to sexual satisfaction.
Sildenafil citrate is the active ingredient in this medicine that boosts blood flow to the penis. It also increases nitric oxide levels, which are vital for proper erection and makes the erection last longer.
Cenforce 100 is an ED medication that comes under PDE5 inhibitors. These medicines inhibit an enzyme that degrades cGMP levels in the body.
It works by relaxing the smooth muscles of the pelvic organs to ensure proper blood flow in the penis and boosting it to provide a hard erection for sexual enjoyment. It is an affordable and safe ED medication that can be taken regularly.
Do not take this medication with any other drugs without the doctor's approval. It may increase the effects of these medicines and cause side effects.
Stop taking this medication if you experience chest pain or shortness of breath. It may increase your heart rate, so do not drive or do other activities that require your full attention.
Read the patient information leaflet before starting this drug and follow your doctor's dosages. It would help if you never doubled your dose on the same day, as it could be a sign of an overdose and will not work effectively.
Cenforce d is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers, as it can harm your baby. It is also not recommended for children under 18 years of age. Symptoms of overdose include dizziness, chest pain, and difficulty breathing.